The Johns Hopkins Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) Center of Excellence

For over 25 years, we have been actively treating patients and families with HHT.

约翰霍普金斯HHT卓越中心是北美开创性的治疗中心之一,有助于为治疗HHT患者提供必要的全面协调护理. 我们的卓越中心致力于提供一流的推荐十大正规网赌平台和家庭护理以及最先进的研究. 我们的目标是改善我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台和家属的健康,以及改善世界上那些我们可能永远不会遇到的推荐十大正规网赌平台的生活.


We hold clinical and research expertise in a broad range of conditions related to HHT

Our center includes over 30 full-time faculty members specializing in HHT


Request an Appointment

New and Current Patients

Sophia Kemble, MSN, RN
HHT Nurse Coordinator
Phone: 410-614-3934
Email: [email protected]

What is HHT?

遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症(HHT)是一种遗传性血管疾病,约占1 / 5,000 people. HHT is characterized by nosebleeds, telangiectasias, 动静脉畸形(avm),影响所有性别、种族和民族背景的人. 这种疾病有时也被称为奥斯勒-韦伯-伦杜(OWR)综合征,以100多年前首次描述HHT的医生命名.

hht graphic showing places that HHT can occur

Today, HHT remains a disease that is often misdiagnosed or misunderstood. Despite tremendous progress to raise the worldwide awareness of HHT, 许多患者和临床医生并不完全了解这种疾病的所有表现.

Connect with Cure HHT

自1991年成立以来,Cure HHT基金会一直是国家和全球努力的中心. 它是由顽强而充满激情的医生和患者家属创立的,旨在为患者及其家属争取权益, raising awareness of HHT, guiding and funding critical research, creating lasting collaborations, and encouraging scientists to work on new treatments.

Our Team

Clifford Weiss, M.D.

Director of the HHT Center of Excellence

weiss headshot

Nicholas Rowan, M.D.

Associate Director of the HHT Center of Excellence

Nicholas Rowan headshot

Panagis Galiatsatos, M.D., M.H.S.

Associate Director of the HHT Center of Excellence

Panagis Galiatsatos headshot

Sophia Kemble, MSN, RN

HHT Program Coordinator
[email protected]


Bill Morefield, PA

Bill Morefield
Provider Information

About our Practice

约翰霍普金斯大学HHT卓越中心诊所遍布约翰霍普金斯大学医学院校园. Our doctors 是约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的全职教师,在成人和儿童HHT的临床护理方面具有特殊的专业知识.

Refer a Patient

医生和新的或返回的推荐十大正规网赌平台可以直接打电话给HHT护士协调员索菲亚·肯布尔 410-614-3934 or at [email protected].


要与我们的HHT专家谈论患者,请致电霍普金斯访问线(HAL) 410-955-5000 and page the on-call Interventional Radiology Fellow. The HAL is for physician-to-physician consult only.

  • 遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症(也称为Olser-Weber-Rendu)是一种多系统血管发育不良. It is uncommon but not rare. 
  • Telangiectases and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are the characteristic lesions.
  • 病变的位置和症状的严重程度是高度可变的,在受影响的个体中,诊断明显不足.
  • Most commonly affected organs from most to least common are, are the nose, lungs, GI tract, brain, liver, and spine, respectively.

  • HHT is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder. Denovo mutations are rare. A targeted family history shows almost all cases to be familial.
  • HHT is heterogenic. Defects in at least three genes cause HHT.
  • 鼻出血或真皮毛细血管扩张的严重程度与脑或肺avm的可能性无关.

Highlighted News and Publications

Contact the HHT Center

Sophia Kemble, MSN, RN
HHT Program Coordinator

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Interventional Radiology Center
1800 Orleans Street
Baltimore MD, 21287

Phone: 410-614-3934
Fax: 410-367-2325

Email: [email protected]