Educational Webinars and Online Lectures

请加入约翰霍普金斯大学神经内科,参加我们的系列在线研讨会, research updates and lectures. 我们的虚拟教育活动涵盖了广泛的神经学主题,适合临床医生和公众. 如果您对活动和/或注册过程有任何主题建议或问题, please email the Development Office at [email protected].

Neurology Grand Rounds

神经病学大查房每周四下午3:30举行.m. EST, and cover a variety of clinical, 约翰霍普金斯大学教师和外部演讲者提出的研究和其他主题.

Past Events

Dr. Hoke speaking with host Kelly Ripken

A Woman's Journey: Walking on Pins and Needles

More than 20 million people in the U.S. 估计有某种形式的周围神经病, which can be caused by diabetes, 化疗和其他健康状况,可导致运动, sensory and autonomic nerve damage. 神经肌肉专家Ahmet Hoke定义了周围神经病变,并讨论了诊断和治疗方法.

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Dr. Chris Earley presentation via Zoom


In this webinar, Dr. Earley讨论了不宁腿综合症的潜在原因和最近的研究.

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Dr. 麦当劳通过Zoom展示了一张全球地图的幻灯片

Can Diet Therapy Improve Neurological Disease? A Panel Discussion

Our neurologists, Drs. Kossoff, Crevenka, McDonald and Schrek, share how their studies of how diet therapy, specifically modified ketogenic diets, can help patients with neurological diseases, such as epilepsy and brain tumors.

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Dr. Saylor演示通过缩放与全球地图的幻灯片


Dr. 迪安娜·塞勒分享了她发展神经学研究的经验, care, and training in Zambia, Africa.

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Dr. Saidha and Dr. Calabresi


Drs. Pardo, Mowry, Calabresi, Saidha讨论了他们对这些主题的最新研究.

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Dr. Hayes speaking on research


Join Drs. Berth, Hayes, McCray讨论他们对ALS和周围神经病变的研究.

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Dr. 米歇尔·约翰森(Michelle Johansen)探讨了心脏和大脑之间的关系,以及一种未被诊断的疾病如何导致中风和认知受损,她认为40-60岁女性心血管疾病增加的原因.

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Drs. Pardo and Ziai on a Zoom call

COVID-19 neurological research and lessons learned

Dr. Norm Haughey讨论了COVID-19对该部门研究项目的影响. Dr. Wendy Ziai分享了对COVID-19患者的观察,这些观察为神经临床护理和研究提供了信息, and Dr. 卡洛斯·帕尔多回顾了COVID-19患者的诊断结果.

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Drs. Llinas and Probasco on a Zoom call


Drs. Raf Llinas和John Probasco讨论了COVID-19对大流行期间神经病学患者护理服务的影响,以及住院医师和其他神经病学培训计划的变化.

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Dr. Dan Gold

Tele-(Dizzy) Medicine

Dr. 丹·戈尔德和其他眩晕方面的专家讨论了如何利用眼球运动来诊断前庭疾病患者

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Dr. Abhay Moghekar

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Research

Join Dr. Abhay Moghekar讨论他对特发性颅内高压的研究.

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Drs. Mowry, Albert and Cervenka in a Zoom meeting


Drs. Marilyn Albert, Mackenzie Cervenka, 和Ellen Mowry讨论了他们关于生活方式改变如何改善痴呆症相关症状的研究, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.

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Drs. 迈克尔·科恩伯格,米歇尔·约翰森和安库尔·布塔拉

Neurology: Junior Faculty Spotlight

Webinar showcasing young faculty, including Drs. Ankur Butala, Michelle Johansen and Michael Kornberg, 强调他们的研究和支持年轻医师科学家的必要性.

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Zoom call with Drs. Calabresi, Mowry, Pardo and McArthury


这些神经系统疾病的最新研究进展. 帕万·巴尔加瓦、彼得·卡拉布雷西、凯瑟琳·菲茨杰拉德、艾伦·莫里和卡洛斯·帕尔多.

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Dr. Alexander Pantelyat

Music as Medicine with Alexander Pantelyat, M.D.

从业者正在将音乐与药物结合起来,以增强治疗效果. Watch Dr. Alexander Pantelyat讨论了音乐对帕金森病和其他运动障碍的干预.

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Dr. Rafael Llinas

Medical Training in the Millennial and COVID Era

Join Dr. 拉斐尔·利纳斯和总住院医师卡里萨·亚瑟讨论他们如何培养年轻医生来应对新的推荐十大正规网赌平台期望, the COVID-19 pandemic and telemedicine, 同时提供尽可能高水平的医学教育和培训.

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Dr. Elizabeth Marsh


Associate Professor of Neurology Elizabeth Marsh, 医学博士讨论了男性和女性在中风方面的一些关键差异,以及个性化中风预防策略和康复计划对改善长期结果的重要性.

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Charlene Gamaldo, M.D., and Rachel Salas, M.D.,讨论睡眠的重要性,特别是在当前COVID-19的大环境下. Learn about the culprits of disturbed sleep, 常见睡眠障碍的体征和症状,以及你现在可以采用的改善睡眠的新策略.

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Zoom call about MS, ALS, and Parkinson's disease.

重要的对话:关于大脑的新事实- MS, ALS & Parkinson’s Disease

Learn about risk factors, early warning signs, 三位神经学家的诊断和新出现的治疗方法, each conducting research in MS, ALS & Parkinson’s Disease.

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