
的时代 精密或 personalized 癌症医学 is driven by data, and many experts believe that 解决方案很多 在癌症的谜团中Y隐藏在这些数据中.  放射肿瘤学hysicist 托德·麦克纳特 is 在他们中间.  在数据的海洋中, the challenge is figuring out what information has the value to advance patient care and how to extract it.  

“There is so much more data collected than is ever used,麦克纳特说. To put some of this 未使用的数据工作 in radiation therapy, he built—from the ground up—a complex, computerized dat采矿系统. It is called Oncospace, 它仔细检查和分析   以前患者的数据 received 放射治疗 提高对新患者的治疗. It evaluates the therapies that worked best for a particular cancer as well as those that resulted in 不到 有利的结果和产生 an 最优治疗方案. 

创建这个综合体, 交互系统一直是一项费力的工作, 麦克纳特和他的同事进行了十年的研究, 但它在美国正迅速获得吸引力 研究和 临床. “癌症医学的实践他说:“Ne自然会创造数据,但对于 the 历史上第一次,我们有 technology to s把这些数据整理一下 以全新的方式."   

Todd has proven that large data warehouses of patient information collected from previously treated 推荐十大正规网赌平台 can be used to individualize treatment decisions for new 推荐十大正规网赌平台,” says Theodore DeWeese,放射肿瘤学主任分子辐射科学. 

Oncospace does 超过 收集和存储数据.  It takes informatics to the critical next level with the capability to perform in交互式分析通知 临床决策- making.  Radiation oncologist and 头颈癌 expert Harry Quon put the system McNutt designed 为了测试 in clinical practice.  

In working with radiation, the line between healing and harming is almost as narroW是光束本身. Quon 理解 过马路的后果 这条线. His job is to develop the treatment plans that use radiation to destroy cancers in the head and neck without causing permanent 损害 the dense anatomy surrounding the cancer. Patients 想要治愈他们的疾病. T他们不想被留下不能说话或吃饭, 但是这些是一些 毒性作用 放射治疗 of 头颈癌s can cause 

这也是 the reason McNutt saw these cancers as the ideal choice to put Oncospace 为了测试.  Head and neck cancers are among the most difficult cancers for radiation physicists and oncologists to plan, 通常需要这么多 as 20 tr处理修订,因为他们的工作 设计一种有效的治疗方法s 而癌症与辐射无关 损害 vital organs and glands, such as the voice box and 唾 glands 

绘制的系统 提供以下指导 allows Quon 还有其他临床医生 使治疗效果最大化,伤害最小化. 它会搜索头部和颈部的所有数据 cancer 推荐十大正规网赌平台 treated in the Kimmel Cancer Center, charts radiation dose dist分配,毒性,和其他 data in vividly colored computerized maps and graphs and reveals the optimal plan. 同时, it takes into account and connects all of the variables—age, 潜在的健康状况, 和其他 治疗推荐十大正规网赌平台 接收和 figures out how all of these variables relate and influence toxicities and response to treatment.  “We can build predictive models of toxicities 和其他 side effects based on data we have collected from prior 推荐十大正规网赌平台, including indicators that a patient may be at higher risk for certain treatment toxicities and 使用此信息 调整治疗计划,”麦克纳特解释道.  

“有知识在。 变化 in toxicities and response that occur from patient to patient,” says Quon.  “That type of analysis is not possible without the analytic capabilities of Oncospace.  It does what no other tool can do and allows us to see unique relationships that otherwise would be hidden.” 

A年代重要 因为它存储和分析的数据 它使用的接口是t吗收集数据. 绘制工作 密切与 Quon 以及临床护理团队的其他成员, 包括护士, 言语病理学家, nutritionists—all of the specialists involved in the treatment of 头颈癌 推荐十大正规网赌平台——开发 网上评估表格s so that all of the information collected by caregivers could be easily integrated into the 临床工作流程并最终转化为 Oncospace database. “It requires some changes in habits and doing things a little bit different比我们习惯的要多,但奖励会让人们加入进来。 Quon. “我们有别人没有的工具.  结果我们改进了自己R推荐十大正规网赌平台护理和加倍我们的 头颈部练习.”   

绘制和 Quon 已经证明了 Oncospace improves treatment plan quality and reduces toxicities.  Now they are using it to track and improve treatment outcomes and to advance research. McNutt says it is imperative that the data be tied to outcome, 他是第一批接受挑战的人之一.   

最近, they earned a grant from information technology giant Toshiba to incorporate imaging into the data collected. 

东芝公司的资助 是在玩吗? 重要的作用 in 提供资金和科学专业知识以提供帮助 麦克纳特和团队 adapt the Oncospace 整合数据的系统,包括成像, 关于疾病反应和现状: 癌症稳定吗?? 有进展吗?? 复发了吗?? Toshiba has developed a sensor system for computers that generates millions of data points on temperature, usage, 以及其他因素来提供预测模型 硬盘故障.  麦克纳特对此充满希望 th数据挖掘专业知识可以应用于哪些领域 癌症医学 through Oncospace

他希望有一些新的数据S用来充实 Oncospace is in 完成CT成像扫描 in treatment simulation and guide how 推荐十大正规网赌平台 are positioned. T这些图像目前未被使用 超出这个目的, 但这些扫描所固有的信息 shows 肿瘤对治疗的反应如何. 如果扫描可以 被整合 自动 into Oncospace,它会。 allow them to track the history of the tumor during treatment.  “Using Oncospace to analyze and quantify these daily images, we could potentially tell early on 在治疗过程中 如果肿瘤有反应 and change the treatment plan if necessary,麦克纳特说.  He says it is the radiation oncology version of the work being done in molecular genetics using genetic biomarkers to track and monitor the response of cancers to targeted drug therapies.  “It is real time, in-treatment monitoring,麦克纳特说. “和我们用的一样D系统关联 的剂量 放射到腮腺 glanD赔付 of gland function, we can use it to relate treatment plans to treatment responses,麦克纳特说.   

麦克纳特还希望从 tre把医生的笔记翻译成文字. 这是更大的挑战,因为 文字不是语言 因为这个原因, he says, many dat采矿系统s are missing this critical clinical piece.  “Physicians are trained to document records for communication, 但不是为了收集数据,麦克纳特说.  结合推荐十大正规网赌平台的治疗结果s in Oncospace, 绘制工作 with clinicians to develop a new interface designed to extrapolate clinical information through a numerical ranking system caregivers use each time they see a patient.    

随着麦克纳特的能力不断扩大 the 开创性的 system he built, its success in 头颈癌 has made it the model 用于其他类型的癌症包括肺癌、胰腺癌和前列腺癌.  他还计划扩大使用 Oncospace to other cancer centers in a novel endeavor that has never before been tried but offers to even more extensively realize the power of data.  如果答案在数据里, than more data analyzed should lead to more rapid discovery of better roadmaps for care. 伙伴机构将获得 Oncospace technology and share their results with all of the others participating centers. McNu他说与他人分享技术 机构 也将允许许多 癌症类型 同时学习.